Electronic Filing System
By submitting your application, request or document to us, manually or electronically, and/or ticking the box signifying your agreement to the processing and disclosure of personal data, you hereby give your consent for IPOPHL to collect, record, store, organize, modify, use, share, redact, erase, and/or otherwise process all data received from you in accordance with Republic Act No. 10173 otherwise known as Data Privacy Act of 2012. The personal information and sensitive personal information obtained may be used in relation to the processing of the application, request or document, and other functions or activities of IPOPHL, including: documentation, communication or notification; public disclosure or posting; publication; incorporation in the processing system; office reporting or presentation; research; sharing to partner institutions, both locally and internationally; profiling for customization, process improvement, delivery of services and other office projects or programs; and for all other legitimate purposes in accordance with IPOPHL’s mandate, other existing laws and treaty obligations.

See IPOPHL's Data Privacy Policy.

I certify under pain of perjury that all information I have indicated herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that my signature appearing herein is genuine and authentic. I likewise understand that the processing of this application is subject to pertinent provisions of the implementing rules and regulations of the IPO Philippines.
This electronic online filing system is an Internet-based service of IPOPHL for filing of application and generation of Statement of Account (SOA) that could be paid though available third party payment channels. Pursuant to Rule 401.1 of the Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations for Patents, Utility Models and Industrial Designs of 2022, a newly filed application is required to be paid in full upon filing of application, otherwise it will be deemed as failed application.

Payments made beyond the required period as stipulated in said Rule 401.1 , will be considered without fault of the IPOPHL and shall be considered as deemed as donation to the Office pursuant to IPOPHL Memorandum Circular No. 17-014 amending MC No. 16-012.