The system is a 24/7 electronic filing of responses and subsequent requests other than the filing of Trademark application.

There are no software requirements in using the system.

Web browser: preferably latest version of Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome.
Since the clients can upload their responses or requests simply by accessing the IPOPHL website, no registration is required.
Filing should be done by simply accessing the IPOPHL website and uploading the documents to the system.
All documents to be uploaded should be in PDF format.
IPOPHL eDoc File is available to receive responses and requests 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, unless the system is unavailable for maintenance. The IPOPHL will notify the public in the event of system down time or unavailability.
Yes, the IPSO Officers of the IPOPHL will also assist the applicant, if required, in filing the electronic response/request.
No. The submission of a paper copy defeats the purpose of the system of streamlining the process of receiving and scanning the documents. A paper copy will be submitted only if the office requires a clearer copy of the uploaded document or if the authenticity or genuineness of the document or signature therein is an issue.
Yes, but the specific type of response with payment should be chosen. For other requests requiring payment, there is a corresponding automatic payment attached to the requests.
The fees to be paid will be automatically computed based on the responses or requests. The fees (inclusive of the Legal Research Fee) are automatically computed and the system will reflect these towards the end of the process. Unpaid requests or responses will be automatically removed by the IPOPHL from its database without notice to the applicant.

To view the schedule of fees, click on this link: Schedule of Fees
Choosing how to pay the application is included as a last step to the eDoc Filing system. Fees may be paid by:
  • Direct payment to the IPOPHL office cashier
  • Paying online through Dragonpay
No, BUT you need to bring the Statement of Account (SOA) which states your payment reference no. and the amount you need to pay. The SOA is generated when you complete the eDoc Filing process. The IPOPHL cashier CANNOT accept your payment if you do not have the SOA for that particular transaction.
Dragonpay is an online payment solution that enables an IPOPHL client to use his/her existing online banking facility or pay cash over-the-counter at physical retail channels. Dragonpay automatically monitors the online and offline payments made by the client and notifies IPOPHL of a completed payment so that IPOPHL can completely process the application filed online. For details on Dragonpay, click this link
No. Dragonpay will facilitate payment transactions by linking up with several payment partners (Philippine banks and non-banks only), which will collect your payment on behalf of IPOPHL. This option is open to the general public, and there is no Dragonpay account that needs to be opened to enable this option.
After you have completed the online filing, an acknowledgment receipt will be generated. The acknowledgment receipt will be digitally signed by the IPOPHL to ensure that all the information provided are received by the IPOPHL. The digitally signed acknowledgment receipt is your evidence that the response or request was received by the IPOPHL. However, the electronic filing will only be considered complete after you have paid the required fees using one of the payment options.

Within three (3) days from receipt by the IPOPHL of the payment confirmation from the bank, an email confirmation will be sent to the applicant or representative.
For responses or requests not requiring payments, the filing date is the date when the response or request was made. For responses or requests with payment, the filing date is the date when the payment was made (either online or over-the-counter).
The system will not validate the submitted documents, thus, the examiner will require you to submit the correct attachment. The response or request will be considered received only at the time of receipt of the correct document. The submission of an incorrect attachment will delay the processing of the application or could cause the abandonment of the application or denial / non-acceptance of the request or document.